Faithful in the Little

I took a picture when I landed - but from below the clouds, you could only see a little glimpse of the glory. (Ah, such a perfect picture of life.)
I sat at the gate, fully prepared to board the plane at a moment’s notice.  Everything was in its place, apart from Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Thank, Left Out, and Lonely, the book that I was voraciously reading.  As I read, the words penetrated my heart – cutting through the high wall of bitterness, pride, and hurt.  My heart dared to bow down before the Lord and surrender the heavy load of years of rejection, and the pain and lies that invited themselves along for the journey.  I let go of the breath that I had been holding for decades.  I watched as I opened my hands to my Heavenly Father and told Him to take it.  I’ve been trying to walk away from the victim mindset and into Christ’s victory for a while now.  But I’ve felt as though something was holding me back from truly experiencing this freedom.  However, as I flipped through these pages, I was challenged by Lysa TerKeurst’s words and knew I hadn’t really let go of my past.  I stubbornly had clung to my past – pointing to it over and over again as a justification for my bitterness and doubts. But I was finally ready to let it go. 
            I dared to trust God at His word.  In the Bradley Airport, I chose to trust that the good God I believed in for others was the same for me.  I realized I hadn’t been receiving His love – too afraid that He would reject me like so many others in my past.  I surrendered everything again, acknowledging that He was Lord and I was – well – not.  His peace spread through my body – sweet and light – cream poured into cold brew coffee.  And with that, I began to pray with a renewed intimacy – one I hadn’t experienced in quite some time. 
            “Help me to trust You when it comes to Your perfect timing,” I wrote in the first page of my eighteenth Jesus journal (I’m kind of a journal junkie).
            I knew – and the Lord knew – that I spoke of His perfect timing in regards to the big things of the future.  You know – a job after school, if I’d end up being a nurse on a ship in Africa (check out Mercy Ships), where I’d live, maybe a man to share my life with, maybe babies one day, if I’d just foster kiddos as a single woman, if I’d ever publish any words that would mean something to someone.  Let’s be honest, all of the typical questions that my heart brings up as I try to fall asleep at night. 
            And then I noticed the time.  I was supposed to have boarded the plane fifteen minutes ago.  The man working at the desk made an announcement: “We’re still waiting for a flight attendant.  You can’t board until she gets here.  Thank you for your patience.”  With the new peace I had, and the excitement of seeing my friend in Colorado, I went back to reading with no worries.  But another half an hour passed by, and no flight attendant.  I noticed anxiety building – wondering if I’d be able to catch my connecting flight.  After talking to the woman who sat across from me, I decided to ask the man at the desk what would happen if I were to miss it. 
            “Well, it looks like there is only one flight a day to Colorado Springs out of Atlanta.  So we’d be able to get you a hotel and you could get the flight tomorrow at 11:30 am.” 
            My mind started racing.  I began to get discouraged.  I felt the frustration start to build.  I went back to my seat and took a deep breath.  I joked with the lady across from me; I was afraid tears would come if I didn’t laugh about it. 
            Finally, we began boarding an hour behind schedule.  I settled in next to the couple from Austin, Texas and decided to preoccupy my mind with more of Lysa’s challenging words.  I sent a text to my friend alerting her that I may or may not catch my connecting flight, and to please pray. 
            Halfway through the flight – ginger ale and pretzels in hand – I realized I had just prayed to trust in His perfect timing.  I tried not to roll my eyes at His sense of humor.  In that moment, I felt all the tension leave my body as I prayed. “Father, I choose to trust that Your timing is perfect in the small things, too.  I am not going to let my feelings overshadow my trust in who You are.  You are a good Father – not just to other people, but to me as well.  Even if I don’t catch my connecting flight, it will be okay.  For once, I’m going to believe You have good things for me.”
            A flight attendant (I briefly wondered if she was the one we had waited for) was making her way up the aisle – she was letting people know the status of their connecting flights.  I prayed she would have good news for me.  Then, as my heart and mind fought each other – anxieties versus trust, truth versus lies – I turned to look out the window.  I couldn’t believe it.  I let out a giggle and could feel the goofy grin grow. 
            Just outside of my dirty airplane window was a bright double rainbow.  And I knew that I’d make it.  I knew, in that moment, God’s rich and beautiful promises that He has made are for me, too.  He is faithful in the little things right now, and knowing this can help me trust Him to be faithful in the big things tomorrow.  It was as though Jesus gave me the most beautiful present and it was just for me.  But then it was pressed upon my heart to share this moment.  I turned to the Austin, Texas wife, “Hey, look – a double rainbow!” 
            “Oh my goodness, I’ve never seen a double rainbow before! That’s so beautiful. Look, honey!”
            I will admit it – I almost started crying.  I definitely felt choked up.  But it’s because there was so much joy in sharing this moment.  In sharing God’s glory and goodness with another soul, He is magnified even more.  And I realize now, not only is the Lord reminding me that He’s faithful in the little and the big.  He is also telling me that if I want to share God’s goodness and glory one day at work with patients whether in a hospital or on a ship – in wherever He has me, whether that is Massachusetts or Colorado – in a relationship with a man who loves Jesus, whether someday soon or a very distant date in time – in the context of motherhood, whether the kiddos are mine biologically or not – in whatever opportunities He blesses me with, whether as a published author or not, then I should start being faithful in the little things right now, to start building a greater faithfulness for the big things tomorrow. 
            We don’t know what the next hour holds.  As someone who knows life’s uncertainty with an intimacy that I hadn’t ever wanted, I am fully aware that we aren’t promised tomorrow.  But if we let down our walls that we mistakenly think will protect us, and choose to believe God is exactly who He says He is – we get to partake in the joy of His faithfulness and experience His protection as our Perfect Papa.  We can walk freely in His love.  We can give Him the hurts from our past and, at the same time, recognize these past hurts do not define us.  We are beautiful daughters and sons of the King – and He accepts us fully.  We can forgive and move on, walking in a victory we’ve only dreamed of.
            “Colorado Springs?  Yes, you’ll have time to make your connecting flight.  We managed to make up some lost time in flight.” 
Whatever He has in front of you right now, may you choose to believe you are perfectly loved and obey Him when He says to share that love.  Watch in amazement as He restores what you thought was completely lost.  He is God, friend.  Not you.  Not me.  Let Him be God and let Him love you.  And it is from this place of living loved that you can bless others and your joy can grow even more.  He is faithful through all of it.  I may not know for sure what my future looks like, but I’m thankful that I can trust Him to lead me each step of the way.  And I want to be faithful in whatever He blesses me with – whatever He calls me to right now.

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” ~ Luke 16:10

“His pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God.” ~ 2 Chronicles 26:16

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14

“If you carefully observe all these commands I am giving you to follow – to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him and to hold fast to him – then the LORD will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you.” ~ Deuteronomy 11:22-23

“Go now to your people in exile and speak to them. Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says,’ whether they listen or fail to listen.” ~ Ezekiel 3:11


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